Locate International

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Driving Change through Podcasting on International Podcast Day

On International Podcast Day 2023, we’re talking about one of the dynamic avenues that we as a charity have to support change – podcasting. Our mission at Locate International extends to the airwaves with The Missing Podcast, where we share real-life missing persons stories, relevant resources, and valuable insights related to our commitment to finding missing people and identifying those who remain unknown. In this blog post, we delve into how podcasting empowers us to support families, raise awareness, and get our charity’s vital work out into the world.

Supporting Families

The heart of the podcast, “The Missing,” produced in partnership with What’s The Story? Sounds (WTSS) and Missing People, lies in its ability to support families who are desperately seeking answers about their missing loved ones. We believe that every individual has a story worth telling, and through the podcast, together with our partner, we can provide a platform for these families to share their narratives. The power of podcasting has given us a voice to allow families to communicate their pain, hope, and resilience directly to a global audience, and the reception has been excellent.

Through poignant interviews, “The Missing” creates a new channel to spread awareness for the families we support. It lets them know that they are not alone and allows them to talk about their loved ones. We empower them to connect with others who understand their journey, offer support, and share valuable insights.

Raising Awareness

Podcasting is also an incredibly effective tool for raising awareness about important social issues. “The Missing” uses this medium to shed light on the urgent matter of missing persons and unidentified individuals. With each episode, we not only tell the stories of those who have vanished but also highlight the systemic issues and challenges faced by families and investigators.

The podcast, now in its fifth series, is now a platform for discussion and education, providing a space where listeners can learn about the complexities of these cases. By disseminating more about the individual case themselves and the people behind the, together with WTSS and Missing People, we generate a broader understanding of the issues surrounding missing persons and unidentified individuals, ultimately catalysing positive change.

Reaching Wider Audiences

One of the most significant advantages of podcasting is its ability to reach a diverse audience. The podcast has enabled us to extend our reach beyond geographical boundaries. We’ve been able to reach communities worldwide who share our commitment to finding missing people.

By featuring the stories and initiatives of Locate International in our podcast, we create a direct link between our charity and our listeners. We invite our audience to become active participants in our mission by sharing resources, volunteering, or making contributions. The podcast serves as a powerful advocacy tool, giving us a voice in the global conversation about missing persons and unidentified individuals.

Mobilising a Dedicated Volunteer Team

Beyond its impact on families, awareness, and our charity’s reach, the podcast has opened doors to hundreds of individuals who have applied to volunteer for Locate International. We have received applications from passionate people with diverse skills and expertise, ranging from experienced investigators and genealogists to recent graduates eager to contribute their talents.

Our media team has grown stronger as talented individuals with a passion for storytelling join us to craft compelling narratives that engage our audience. We’re running more public appeals than ever, and benefitting from more leads and lines of enquiry that we can follow to find answers. We’ve welcomed specialist OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) investigators who use their digital skills to assist in our cases, uncovering critical information that may have otherwise remained hidden.

Our volunteer-only model has always been unique, but it’s working. These volunteers now represent a global network of support, each bringing their unique skills to the table and sharing in our commitment to making a difference. Together, we are building a force dedicated to our mission.